Tuesday, 24 June 2014

1 Month ago Today..

-24th May 2014 - Autumn ...
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Monday, 23 June 2014

A Lion in the night..

A Lion in the Night is a book written by Pamela Allen. I bought it a few years ago for my son who was 2 at the time. Jiedyn loved it and asked me to read it over and over again.  At 3 he memorised the whole book. When Nevaeh came she too used to love me reading it. Jiedyn is now eight. Last night he read it to me. Actually read it. There I was getting caught in a moment again.. He read it exactly how I did to him once. Like...
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Sunday, 22 June 2014

The Circus is in Town..

Yesterday afternoon the kids and I went to the circus. This was Jiedyn's second time and Nevaeh's first. Jie went to his first circus when he was two. Which was also Circus Royale in 2007. So here is how it all went down.. We got lost. Yep. First of all we got lost. Then I called a Taxi. Then I stressed we weren't going to make it on time. But we did. We picked up our pre-purchased VIP front row tickets!! And even had time...
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Wednesday, 18 June 2014

My name was Stacey!

HA! I bet you never saw that coming!! It's Truth! My name was originally Stacey Anne Fletcher.. For the first 2 weeks of my life my name was Stacey. I was introduced as Stacey to family and friends and on my baby birth cards were written "Welcome baby Stacey". So how is it that my name is now Melissa you ask? My Dad wrote out my birth certificate and changed my name to Melissa. It's true.. My Mum called me Stacey...
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Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Phrases I've Googled this last week..

As most of you are aware, the kids and I have been home sick for this past week. We have been out of our home only two times this week. Once to do shopping and again today for lunch, so I think it's safe to say that we're all slowly going insane!! Jie has been begging to go to school and although he is fully not better he has to go back. He's missing out on so much already.. So because we havent been out of the house and have had very...
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Friday, 13 June 2014

Three Sickies!

Three days ago Nevaeh got sick. Two days ago I got sick. And yesterday Jie was sick.. Three Days. Three Sickies.....
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Sunday, 8 June 2014

Caught in a moment..

We have a new favorite family movie at the moment. More so my favorite, but the kids put it on now because they know I love it. Last week, after dinner I requested that we watch it and the whole movie through, the three of us snuggled on the couch with blankets and pillows. It was squishy with the cats too but it made me smile as I got caught in the moment. At the end of the movie, as the credits rolled, we all got up to dance. This...
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Wednesday, 4 June 2014

New Blog Awards!

Lets admit it. There are just not enough blog awards around to truly thank those bloggers who day by day let you have a piece of their hearts and minds. Let's appreciate the people we blog alongside and thank them for their blogs which have us coming back for more. Here are a few blog awards I created for you to pass on to these special people.  And since we live in a world of 'selfies' why not chuck one in there too if your...
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Monday, 2 June 2014

A Peaceful Piece

Tonight I am just enjoying the peace and quiet.. The dishes are not done.. The house is not tidy.. The washing is not finished.. The vacuum has not been touched today.. My room is still messy.. But..  I am at peace.. My kids are tucked up nice, cosy and warm.. The cats are beside me.. And I am enjoying the first coffee I've had in weeks.. While reading "When Heaven Invades Earth" by Bill Johnson.. ...
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Sunday, 1 June 2014

Hello June!

Here are some photos of the kids this morning before going to visit their family for lunch.. ...
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Blogging from Bacchus Marsh, Australia