My Fam

 David - My Partner, lover and friend.

David and I met on an online dating site in 2021 during the Covid Lockdowns. He messaged me first and absolutely love bombed me for the first year but by year three I almost threw it in when he took marriage off the table and wanted to try an open relationship. A week apart made us both realize how much we did in fact love and adore each other and since that brief separation, we've only grown closer creating a blog here.. to always keep us excited, growing and having fun in our relationship.


David loves sports, is a Geelong and Melbourne Storm supporter and member. David gets up early for work, helps me with the housework, enjoys creating special things to do together and has learned to make coffee just the way I like it! David likes it when we do things with the kids, spoils me with chocolate and looks forward to going out with friends. David speaks to his family at least once a week. 


Falling for David was easy as we share so many of the same morals and values in life. We enjoy attending church together, he is part of a men's group and he brings so much joy into my world with his positivity and optimistic attitude. When I am sad or stressed, he is my voice of reason, my calm and his arms around me at the end of all my hardest days make all my troubles seem so small. I love him so much.

Jiedyn - My Son whom knows me best and spoils me most.

My son was my first born, birthing him in 2005 at just 17yo, he instantly became my whole world and reason for getting up in the morning. Now 18 and standing about a foot over me, he is such a giver. God may have given me the gift of a son but he has given me so much more. 


Jie is just starting to create his life, he attends school in the city, has just  finished this.. and has now gained employment at Nandos in the Melbourne CBD. 


Jie's life consists of school, work, eating well and going to the gym.

Nevaeh - My Daughter, mini me and bestie.

Nevaeh was a my little whirlwind from the start! Born in 2009 to a big brother she learned rather quickly to wrap around her little finger, she enjoyed being a little sister and shadow to everyone around her. Her cheeky smile and great big personality made for so many mischievous moments over the years and raising her has never been just smooth sailing. Nevaeh has always liked to push limits and keep me on my toes. Her heart longs for a present loving father in the man she calls Dad, but unfortunately his priorities have always lied elsewhere.


The absence of her father has really ruined her trust in men and her mentality is that all men lie, cheat and will abandon you someday. It's taken her a long time to trust and let David into her world and I thank God that she gets to see how a woman should be treated through the way he treats me.


At 15, her life consists of school (in Ballarat), equine therapy, two youth workers whom take her out weekly and a counsellor she sees on her hard days.


Nevaeh has become a little more reserved as she has gotten older but is still an oversharer expecially to me! She enjoys talking to boys online, using my card to pay for online gaming accessories without asking, stealing chocolates from my stash and playing Fortnite and Roblox on xbox.

© 2023 A LOT OF LITTLE BITS OF LOVE, AllRightsReserved

Blogging from Bacchus Marsh, Australia