Tuesday, 23 April 2024

Jie's Streat Graduation

Thursday last week my one and only son graduated the Streat Program.

So when Jie invited me to attend his graduation, of course I said Yaaaaahs! 

For the most part of the last 8 weeks I have barely seen my son so I didn't hesitate and took a half day off from work to be there for my boy.

Jie took part in Streats "Fast Track to Work" youth program attending their Collingwood campus four days a week over a period of 8 weeks.

Jie juggled school and working at the Bacchus Marsh Fish and Chip shop while attending the Streat Program and still found the time to hit the Gym when he could.

As part of the program Jie recieved one-on-one case management support from his key worker Octavia and learned how to self-care, basic life skills, budgeting, healthy relationships/boundaries, teamwork, emotional regulation, legal rights and interview skills.

Over the eight weeks Jie gained confidence in all areas of his life. From being feircly independent getting himself at 6am to have a shower, before catching trains and trams into the city for his school and program, to showing his new found confidence, leadership and communication skills so much so - that he gave two weeks notice before terminating his employment at the Fish and Chip Shop. 

While attending the Graduation Jie seemed very nervous as the night went on. 

I met all of the other young adults in his group and their mentors. The team at Streat and Magic their mascot dog. Everyone seemed very close and Jie was very well liked and respected in the group. 

When Jie was called up to do a speech it finally made sense as to why he was so nervous. 

My son wrote and read a speech in front of around 30 people and left me speechless.

It was a complete surprise which made me tear up. 

I barely recognized the man standing before me. 

My only wish is that my Dad could be there..

On completion of program, Jie has been offered two jobs with his choice of location!

Whatever Jie chooses to do from here on out, I am so very proud of him.

He worked so hard to achieve everything he has thus far.

Very very proud of you son.

3 replied:

Joanne said...

Congratulations to your son! That sounds like such a wonderful program.

Linda said...

Congratulations to Jie! He looks confident and poised for a great future.

Maria Rineer said...

Congratulations to Jie! What a handsome young man and so hard working, too!

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