Monday 7 January 2019

{Page 7} Road Trip

Today we took a road trip to Brighton Beach! 
Four years ago, when Justine and Hiram were first placed into my care, this was our very first family holiday destination. This was the first time Justine had seen been to the beach, to the movies and to a fancy restaurant! 

The day was everything I thought it would be.. Hiram, Jie, Nevaeh and Justine talking about the fun we had here to Jeanette and Janai, whom at the time were living with another Aunty. 

They spoke of the pizza place we went to, the icecreamery, our fish and chip night at the beach where the seagulls ate from our hands. 

Brighton Beach will always be a special part of each of their childhood. 

And that’s what keeps us coming back.. 

Today though a few new memories were made.

Jie went off on his own to play Pokémon Go (Yes, I let him walk the boulevard on his own, I’m that parent. Judge away!) and was excited to come back to show me a few new Pokémon I hadn’t seen before.

Justine wasn’t too keen on the water this time and preferred to build sandcastles and stay close to me. 

I thought Jeanette, Janai, Nevaeh, Jie and Hiram would never get out of the water. But after throwing a dead fish they had found at each other Jie thought it’d be a great idea to bring it to show me while tourists gathered round for photos. Jie, seeing that I wasn’t too phased about a fish went one better and creeped behind me to put it down the back of my shirt. He along with the kids and the people around us all got a good laugh out of it. And I smelt like fish all the way home.

Never a dull moment in this life of mine.. 

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