Wednesday 9 January 2019

{Day 9} Facetiming Dad

Just four months after my Dad's last birthday the doctor diagnosed him with terminal cancer. I don’t know what’s worst.. Losing a parent suddenly or watching a parent fade away.. Dad was given just 2 years to live. We are nearly half way.. But as he grows weak, my love and admiration grows strong. I’m so proud to have had such a real, down to earth, strong wonderful man teach me to rely on no one but myself. I am the strong independent woman I am today because of him! Happy Birthday to the man who named me, whom taught me to walk and ride a bike, who raised me tough and who reminds me every day that I am worthy and to be proud of who I am! No man will ever replace my Dad.. Every day spent with him is done so with gratitude and a listening heart. Everything he says to me is not small talk.. it’s him really speaking to me! Help me Jesus to lean in to all he wants to teach me before his time on earth is done.. I can’t do this alone.. Happy Birthday to the one I have the privilege to call “Dad” at least for another day.. I never say his name as if it means nothing anymore..

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