Sunday 6 January 2019

{Page 4} A Blast from the Past

Yesterday was pretty amazing (although I was feeling a little drained) because yesterday we all got to see Hosanna again.

Those of our followers whom have been here for a good while reading our journey would maybe remember the Shilling family whom I used to blog about quite a bit back in the day. Our families were always together doing different things and a part of our children's first's.

These days there is a new Shilling family with Mark remarrying a friend of mine Tash whom also blogs here.. And yesterday we got to catch up with Mark's daughter whom Nevaeh was always close with - Hosanna.

Here is a photo of our girls way back when on their first day of Kindergarten..

And here they were together yesterday..

These days they are very different girls to who they used to be but they'll have so much in common one day when they're old enough to keep in contact with each other. They are both living very different lifestyles than they did back when they were besties.

Although feeling drained it was nice to spend time with Tash. She is such a strong strong woman and someone I look up to. She, like me, always seems to have her shit together but I know she too has her fair share of crap to deal with.

I loved the time we spent together yesterday. Raising little girls and teen boys have us yarning for yonks. No one prepares us for the things we get dealt in life and at times it overwhelms us all. But its nice to know we have friends we can rely on in times of absolute need. That person for me is Tash!

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