Sunday, 31 August 2014

Our 1st Family Photo Shoot..

By Natasha Hurst Photography. ...
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Friday, 29 August 2014

Jiedyn's #BookWeek Costume..

What do you think guys? Pin i...
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Sunday, 24 August 2014

Nevaeh's New Diet..

Nevaeh is currently 4 days into her new diet. After being diagnosed 5 days ago with Fructose Malaborption she is now on the low FODMAP diet. The first few days after her diagnosis I was over whelmed, stressed and very tired. I researched and made it my priority to reach out to others with FM. I joined two facebook support groups within Australia and discovered two other Mum's in the area whose children are on the low FODMAP diet. The group...
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Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Finally! A Diagnosis.

Dear Readers,  Earlier today my 5 year old daughter was diagnosed with Fructose Malabsorption. She has been getting symptoms for around a year now and after blood tests, x-rays and ultra sounds showing nothing we had to wait 6 months to see a Pediatrician. Today was the day. As we walked out of the pediatrician office today with a name for whats been causing her so much pain I'm overwhelmed and uneducated on the subject of her new...
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Thursday, 14 August 2014

The Road to Healthy Eating..

Just yesterday while checking out a few videos on Faith It I stumbled upon an amazing (life changing) video. This is a rare occurrence for me to be spending time watching online videos but for this reason it was worth it. This video really rocked my world. Its no secret that my daughter has an eating disorder. She constantly wants to eat, gets a sore belly during and after she eats and never gets the 'full' feeling. While some changes have been made reality is that we still eat junk food far too often than we should be. Wednesday's...
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Monday, 11 August 2014

Our One Night Getaway!

Our one night family adventure to Warrnambool was exactly what we all needed. Staying one night only we managed to fit so much into a day and a half. Here's what we did in the order of when we did it.. DAY 1 - SATURDAY Dad picked us up at 8am Got lost on the way there. Went to Logan's Beach Whale Nursery Went whale watching. Had Lunch at Lake Pertobe. The kids had a twenty minute play on the Adventure Playground. I checked...
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Blogging from Bacchus Marsh, Australia