Thursday, 27 April 2017

You Missed This: Summer At The Pool

 The summer just gone had us down at the pool socialising with friends, learning to swim and dropping our school bags at the door and grabbing a towel. It was so refreshing and a memory I'd love to have here on the blog forever..        &nbs...
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You Missed This: Precious Zendayah Elise

Over the next few days I will be doing a series of posts with the title "You Missed This". I guess sometimes we get caught up living life that I forget to document it. Let me catch you up! Let me introduce you to Zendayah!  Zendayah is the newest family member in my best friends fam and is so so precious.  Meeting her was a memorable experience for Jie and Nevaeh and one that I'd love to have on the blog to treasure...
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Monday, 3 April 2017

You Missed This: Werribee Zoo

Over the Easter school holidays we went to the Werribee Open Range Zoo. We climbed aboard the safari bus and enjoyed a guided tour of the Zoo. We saw creatures big and small. We packed lunch in an eski and ate in the car. It was a nice drive out to the zoo and definately a day to remember. ...
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© 2023 A LOT OF LITTLE BITS OF LOVE, AllRightsReserved

Blogging from Bacchus Marsh, Australia