Saturday, 21 September 2019

{Day 264} Baked Potato

Home Made anything is good, but I’m sharing this dinner we’ve enjoyed a few times now because it was one of my faves growing up and I always want my kids or even grandkids to see how simple it is to make and enjoy with their families one day! This recipe was passed to me by one of my foster Mothers. Sabine Biddell taught me many things that have stayed with me into adulthood and this recipe is just one of many she would allow us to...
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Monday, 9 September 2019

{Day 252} 3 Years in a Row Now!

So for the past 3 years, September 9th has been a sick day for me. This time last year my body was fighting off a cold and in 2018 on this day I was fighting off a chest infection! Today I have a head cold which I’ve had for a few days now so hopefully, this time next year I’m not laying on the couch feeling sorry for myself! Please pray for me! The kids are taking full advantage by pushing boundries and getting each other going...
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Blogging from Bacchus Marsh, Australia