Friday, 27 August 2021

#5aday to Smoothies

Here in Regional Victoria, we’re in lockdown and with no end in sight, it’s a good opportunity to re-evaluate what we’re doing to our bodies! Clean eating and exercise should be just as much a priority as our mental, social and emotional well-being which is why I am back doing the #5aday challenge which consists of eating 5 fruits and/or vegetables a day! To make things a little simpler for myself, I’ve decided to try creating smoothies...
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Monday, 16 August 2021

Italian Pasta

Ingredients:1 tbs of Oil1 small diced onion300g beef mince 2 tbs of mixed Italian herbs2 tbs of tomato paste 30ml milk 1 handful of spinach 2 cups of PastaSalt PepperMethod 1. Full saucepan with water and boil pasta with a pinch of salt until soft. Drain, cover and put to the side. 2. Oil a pan, break down and brown the beef mince and onion, add Italian herbs, tomato paste and milk. 3. Season meat...
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Sunday, 15 August 2021

1 Year Together

Today we took a drive down the coast to where it all began.In two days David and I will have been together for 1 year. On our very first date I met David in Corio and he took me for fish ‘n chips on the Torquay water front.We called the kids from the car so they knew I was okay, after all I was practically meeting a stranger.. Almost 12 months later, we; as a family went to the same fish ‘n chip shop and ate together in the same...
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Sunday, 8 August 2021

Music Video of Max

Walks with my fur boy Max!&nbs...
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© 2023 A LOT OF LITTLE BITS OF LOVE, AllRightsReserved

Blogging from Bacchus Marsh, Australia