Monday, 27 April 2015


Nevaeh Anne Baker
My precious little girl
You are so so loved
And you are not afraid to grow up

You are my wild child 
You are caring and kind
You are beautiful
And you are fun

You love learning
love dancing
love reading
and love listening to your Mum sing

Nothing in this world is too hard for you
Your a risk taker and I love it

Your a thinker and a do-er
a  burst of laughs
and are happy to be who you are

You are carefree
You are outspoken
You are smart 
and you are ready to be 6!

I love doing life with you..

1 replied:

Stepping into Motherhood said...

How sweet! My oldest daughter just turned six. It is so neat getting to see their little personalities blossom. My youngest is Nakenzi and I was looking for a name to start with N and later learned of the name Neveah and wish we would have considered it. Following on GFC now.
Angela @ Stepping into Motherhood

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