Sunday 18 October 2020

How to Create an Advent Calendar

Step 1 
Using the list from the previous post found here.. pick out 23 activities taking into consideration your budget, weather and what you think your family would enjoy doing together throughout December. Write them down or type them up to print.  

Step 2
Look for an advent calendar which fits your family! For little kids try a door advent calendar. For larger families use loot bags hung either on the tree or on a tree branch. You could also use cardboard favor boxes or create your own baubles. Anything you can stick a number on and something little inside of. The possibilities are endless! 

Step 3
Print out the month of December 2020 and start filling in what days you want to do things. Keep in mind things like extracurricular activities, after school activities and or weekend commitments which may prevent carrying out an activity on those busier days of the week. Also consider your pay days and what might work budget wise for that week. On days you might struggle money wise perhaps consider a random acts of kindness activity. 

Step 4
Think of the types of goodies you want the kids to find each morning when they wake up to a new task. Some people choose to have just the task itself but some other ideas may include a bible verse, a small piece of chocolate, a hard boiled lolly, a family photo, a prayer request, a new ornament for the tree, a candy cane to give to someone that day, a small craft, different scented bath bombs, gift cards etc. Also consider the amount of kids and the budget.
Step 5
Again when planning your activities for the month leave room for new things. As December rolls around you’ll need to swap and change the activities at times to make time for school Christmas concerts, community Christmas events etc. but keep a few solid as these will become your family’s traditions.

Step 6
Everything should be done and ready for the kids to open their first advent on December 1st. Number the days and Embrace each and every advent activity with love as you do them with your family throughout the month. The kids will feed off of your energy so get excited, love on them and laugh with them. This advent calendar will have you guys together this Christmas and maybe have your friends and family involved in different things. 

If you have any other questions please ask and guys, if you are choosing to do an advent calendar this year please share it with me! I’d love to see and follow you and your family’s fun! 

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