Thursday 16 September 2021

Feeling Overwhelmed & Unappreciated

When my mental health hit rock bottom last week it was my kids who bought me home safe. 

Feeling completely overwhelmed with life and all it’s expectations and feeling unappreciated for everything I have done and do do in the lives of those around me and community; I’d had enough. I was sick of being strong, sick of fighting through another day feeling defeated from the moment I woke up and sick of feeling I had to justify myself to the small town folk here whom have “heard” shit about me and think they know me and/or sum me up as a shit Mum, Aunty and Friend because I stay silent about things out of my control! 

Well fuck everyone! 

I have fought through a lot of shit in my life but never have I ever wanted to run my car off the side of the road on the way home from work like I did Friday because of everyone thinking I’m not good enough in every area of my life, and me believing it. 

After speaking to the ones I love most, I took the advice of my 15yo son and got away from everyone and everything for the night last night. 

With the support of my ex having our daughter, my son cleaning the house while we were away and my partner not leaving my side for a single second this weekend I am in a much better head space mentally. 

I’m still not 100% but taking things day by day. 

Dad and Uncle Pete have also been a massive support through these dark days as well as my bf Rachy! 

It’s safe to say, I know who my people are, who is loyal as fuck and while those whom set out to destroy me may be winning a little at the moment, I will continue to fight through the hard days because I have a family who genuinely and whole heartedly love me.

 I do this for them ♥️ 

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