Saturday 16 February 2013

Friday Night [Fun]draiser..

Oh. My. Goodness.
 What a night.
 A community coming together to raise money for a little boy in a whole other country suffering from a rare condition. A Picnic, a dance and an auction all in one put on by a beautiful lady who felt the need to help raise money for this little boy named Ayden! What an amazing idea and complete success!! 

Highlights of tonight were: 

The amazing home-made lasagna for dinner at our friend Penny's house. 
Dancing and twirling with Nevaeh on the dance floor. (First night out dancing together)
Doing the nut-bush and creating a conga line while singing locomotion.
Letting my hair down.
A beautiful new friend for Nevaeh.
Walking home, under the stars.

I hope and pray that the money raised tonight will cover some medical expences for this little guy needing to get to Austria from South Africa for treatment. I cannot wait to hear how much was actually raised to support him and his family. What an absolute honor to be a part of something so special. What an awesome group of people to openly give to the needs of a little boy, in another country whom they have never met. 
I'm  just so blown away! 

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