Thursday 13 June 2024

The last laugh!

David and I went to our first Tuesday night sesh at the Comics Lounge the other night as one of his all time favorite comedians was performing along with 5 other local names.

As we found our seats and settled in the first few acts had some really funny jokes.

I rolled my eyes at a comedian I had heard before as he walked out onto the stage remembering how unfunny he was the last time we saw him perform, but the other night his new jokes were actually funnier.

My cheeks were sore from laughing.

For the final act David got to see his fave comedian Jioeoin and he did not disappoint.

After the show we hung out a little later to try and get a pic with him for David. 

As we were waiting, two men approached us, turned to me and said "Excuse me, I love your laugh". 

Caught off guard, I said "Thank you?" and then was asked if they could record my laugh. 

Apparently they were sitting a few rows back and my laugh was making them laugh.

They explained that it would be used for a radio station segment they were starting on the Horsham Radio Station.

So right there, after the shows has all finished, beside the bar, I laughed. I laughed at my own laugh and laughed that someone was capturing my laugh which made me laugh even more.

They recorded it, thanked me and followed us out of the venue.

I called my kids on the way back to the car telling them I'm going to be famous! Well my laugh at least!

Which made them laugh and then me laugh even more..

What a crazy night.

2 replied:

Joanne said...

Oh wow; what a neat and unexpected ending to the night!

Kim Carberry said...

It sounds like a great evening! What a fantastic time you had! How amazing that your laugh will be used on a radio station.

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