Tuesday 3 May 2011

Jiedyn's Birth Story

Jiedyn is known in our house as Jie Jie. He only gets called Jiedyn when he is in trouble or in times of panic but is mainly called Jie or Jie Jie. Jiedyn has a unique birth story.. he was 10 days overdue. He wasn't ready for the world but now he's here he knows no limits. Jiedyn was born with jaundice. He had to be in a humidicrib for 48 hours only coming out for feeds. He had to wear these baby goggles which were too big for him and sunbake under a really bright light. The first weeks at home were great. We moved house twice in a matter of 8 months. At 4 weeks while I was bathing Jie. I noticed bruises on his lower back. I was petrified and thought I or his father had hurt him. I called the maternal child health doctor who on the phone sounded really worried too. When she got there she looked at his back before laughing out loud. I was furious, she then explained about a 'mongolian spot' and said she rushed out of an important staff meeting to be there. I wasn't amused, I was just happy my son was okay. I became a single Mum in 2006 at the age of 17. Jiedyns father got locked up leaving me to raise Jie alone. At first I struggled. I had never lived alone but soon grew used to noises and got myself into a routine. Jie was such a good baby that he taught me how to be his Mum. Jiedyn was a very fast learner, he loved his jolly jumper, ran a muck in his walker and was a little show off for his cousin Jeanette and Aunty Kristal. Jiedyns first word was yeah yeah yeah.. I guess you never really notice how much you say it until your baby comes out with it! We lived opposite three story flats. 90% of them were home to elderly residents. We got to know quite a few of the ladies in there and they all watched Jiedyn grow and doted on how beautiful he was. We still see some ladies while out shopping, others have passed away and they still stop to admire him saying how they remember him as a sweet baby boy.

2 replied:

katherine said...

Wow, Mel. He looks soooo tiny! What a cherub.

Anonymous said...

It's hard to believe he was ever that size! He will be six in just three weeks!!

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