Monday 2 November 2020

Our Covid19 Experience

When Nevaeh woke up with a fever on Saturday morning it did cross my mind that it could have been Covid19. 

The weekend before Nevaeh, Jie and I went to a Japanese restaurant, and knowing that it takes a week for covid symptoms to appear it was sorta scary. 

Monitoring her throughout Saturday and Saturday night; her temp didn’t drop below 38.9 in 24 hours. I decided to call Nurse on Call. They recommended she see a doctor within the next 12 hours. Her temperature made her have a scary dream, the first in ages, so she slept with me which was beautiful. 

By Sunday morning I took her to the hospital after not being able to get her in to see her doctor. 

She was very reluctant and scared about this and the possibility of having to take a Covid test which she’d heard from friends at school that it hurts. 

Before we left we looked up peoples positive reviews on the Covid test which helped ease Nevaehs worries.

Bacchus marsh hospital were amazing and we were in and out having done a Covid test in under 2 hours.

Nevaeh was so so brave. I was so proud of my gorgeous girl. 

“It made my eyes water but I didn’t sneeze” 

Then it was home for the next 48 hours to self isolate until we got the test results. 

We were so pleased and relieved to receive this message late Sunday afternoon. 

Nevaeh still has a sore throat and will most likely take the day off tomorrow to see her doctor. For now she has icy poles and throat lozenges for her sore throat. 

We are praying for antibiotics for a speedy recovery. 

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