Sunday 6 October 2024

My Sunday {Day in the Life}

 8am - Got up to pee, jumped back into bed, did my Bible study and scrolled my socials.

9am - Continued watching Season 2 of Outlast on Netflix with David bringing me in a bottle of water and two pieces of Vegemite toast. 

11am - Fell back asleep (I was up binge watching Outlast until early hours this morning so didn’t actually go to bed until after 4am)

2pm - Woke up, David went down the street to get Nevaeh and I some lunch while I put a load of washing on and we ate lunch watching our own shows. David watching the NRL Girls Grand Final, Nevaeh watching Mrs Doubtfire and me watching Outlast. 

3.45pm -  David and I went for a walk around Maddingley Park just to get out of the house and get some exercise.

4.30pm - I did another load of washing, David did a Coles order online and then read out the steps for me to make todays everyplate meal - Herby Mushroom and Spinach Risotto. 

5.30pm - The online shopping order came and David put all the stuff away while I did another load of washing and hung the towels over the doors to dry. I ate one portion of today’s EveryPlate meal and put the other in the fridge for lunch for work this week. 

6.30pm - I did our fourth and final load of washing, cleaned the kitchen after our afternoon of cooking then cleaned the hallway, toilet and bathroom areas and scrubbed the shower. 

7pm - After I cleaned the shower, I had a shower and got David to pull apart boxes to put into the recycling bin. I put moisturiser on and I rested on the couch for about a half hour playing games with David on his phone.

7.30pm - 8.10pm - We watched the pre entertainment and first half of the NRL grandfinal between Melbourne Storm and Penrith Panthers.

8.10pm - I cooked David and I dinner, hot dogs for David and a scotch steak, salad and chips for me! While I cooked dinner David fed Max and Altius. 

8.20pm - 9pm - We sat back down to eat our dinner and watch the second half of the NRL Grand final!

9pm - We took our clothes to the laundry mat to use the dryers then came home to watch The Amazing Race. 

10.30pm - We went to pick up our clothes from the laundry mat and took David’s car through the car wash. 

11pm - We watched the rest of The Amazing Race and then the Melbourne Storm Press Conference. We the cleaned the lounge area, gathered our blankets off the couch, made our bed and turned everything off and jumped in.

11.30 - Now - I have been sharing old memories through photographs with my niece Justine on Snapchat while writing this. 

In amongst all that, I have also texted 4 friends, made two phone calls, snapped a few people and been on and off twitter all day! 

So there it is.. My Sunday.. Back to work tomorrow!

1 replied:

Kim Carberry said...

It sounds like you are really enjoying Outlast! I love it when you can find a show to get really hooked on.
It sounds like a great day and that risotto looks so good.

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Blogging from Bacchus Marsh, Australia