Friday, 29 June 2018


Being a part of the Lookout Program has been an amazing journey for me and my family. My four  children who are in out of home care have been able to be assisted in a learning program specifically for them and their circumstance. Education was far from these children's thoughts when they were in survival mode prior to coming into my care and so this program has provided extra support and encouragement as they let go of what was and dive head first into school. With gaps in their learning, fatigue and with court and access and just being away from the ones they love in their mind, not to mention a new home with new rules and new responsibilities, this change of lifestyle can hold kids back from getting the quality of education.

The Lookout Program ensures that these kids receive quality educational care as the go through their schooling life. It aims at bringing a holistic and realistic approach for the child and their education. It makes the department, the school and us parents accountable to the child by utilizing both school and after-school programs to see that these kids don't fall through the cracks and have the ability to achieve their dreams.

Being a part of this program has helped Jeanette receive tutoring and a modified learning program to assist her needs and abilities of performance. This program helped with Janai's transition from primary school into high school and helped Hiram gain confidence in reading and writing.

I hope that this program can and will continue for my own peace of mind knowing that I am not the only one wanting what these kids deserve. So that the kids continue to be the prime focus in their education and so that Justine may have the same opportunities that he siblings have received thus far.

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