Wednesday, 9 December 2020

Tarot Card Reading

Okay, so this is a bit of a random topic in the midst of our Christmas Activities but I just wanted to document this somewhere and since I blog, why not here.

Tonight, while browsing FB after our bible study dinner, my friend shared a tarot card reader taking names for readings, curiously.. I asked for one and this was the result..

In the second part of the reading this was the card I got..

As a Christian we tend not to believe in tarot cards, but as Christians we also believe God can send us messages in any form. So I wonder if these were messages from God?

To pick apart the cards themselves to relate them to my circumstances, the reading I got was this..

The Knight of Cups I feel relates to me branching out for me. To fulfill what I've always wanted to do career wise. I've been raising my children for the past 15 years and have studies through those years to get myself to a point to make a difference in the lives of those who have been through similar lifestyles as I endured growing up. This Card I feel is telling me to start taking those steps to get to where I want to go, really put myself out there and chase my dreams.

This card relates to my career

The Queen of Swords actually really relates to me in that I am in fact a "truth-seeker". I know of the bullshit being spoken about me. But I am rising above it all and not getting caught up in the gossip and slander. I am staying in my light, in God's light, choosing to block it all out and keep my head held high.. and even when the lies start coming, I stand in truth. And that is where I win. Not by playing tit for tat, slandering and gossiping about them in return, but simply living in truth and letting them do what they feel they need to do to feel more secure about themselves. But truth wins, truth always wins.

This Card relates to my personality and how I'm handling the "haters"

The Two of Cups is one I was sort of hoping to see as I venture into a brand new relationship after being single for 8 years. I havent yet doubted David and my relationship but this card definitely solidifies it for me. Two people with mutual respect and appreciation for each other wanting to put the work into creating a lasting relationship based on bringing the best in the both of us is so on point. And yes, he does make me giddy, tongue tied and absolutely melt.

This card relates perfectly to my "love" life

But the card that sold it for me was the last card!
Go back and click on it and see if you yourself can figure out what it's talking about.
Just WOW!

Maybe that was the answer to prayer I needed.
Time will tell.

Thank you Carol for the reading! 

1 replied:

Michelle said...

I feel like we never know how messages will get to us!!

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