Thursday 8 September 2022

My Covid Diary

7/9/2022 4.40pm
Today I went to work feeling like I had asthma. A bit of a cough and a tight chest but by 3pm, I had a temp and was advised by my colleague to go home.

7/9/2022 11pm
So I have just moved to the couch as my body is shaking uncontrollably. I’m so cold. Two doonas won’t warm me even with pants and a hoodie on. I’ve put the heater on 21 degrees and am hoping that stops the shakes.

8/9/2022 2am
I’ve slept for about an hour, the shakes have stopped and now I’m hot and sweaty. I have taken the doona off for now hoping that will help my temperature come down. 

8/09/2022 8.30am
So I’ve tossed and turned all night, cold and hot flushes and am about to have a hot shower. My chest is tight and hurting. My coughs hurts. I’ve woken up with a temp. No sore throat. But I really need a shower. Jumping in now.

8/09/2022 12.30pm
Just messaged David (in the other room) to get me a RAT test and some Panadol. I love that even though he is feeling shit too, he is still here for me. 

8/092022 1.05pm 
Called my boss, called my colleague and messaged to cancel my groups for this week and next as I tested positive for Covid. I received some really beautiful messages from community and was advised to stay home isolated for at least a week. 

8/09/2022 1.40pm
So, I got everyone in the house to take a test as well and David is also positive. The kids are all negative but now what the heck am I meant to do? I can barely lift my head off my pillow.

8/09/2022 4pm
I’ve just received my order of snacks, hydralyte and Glen 20. 

8/09/2022 7pm
Jie cooked dinner for Justine and Nevaeh tonight. The kitchen is a mess but the kids are fed and I feel useless. Proud of my boy for stepping up to be there for the family the way he has. I’m going to get some rest. 

9/09/2022 12am
I woke up to Jie washing dishes and Justine and Nevaeh still up messing around. I told everyone to go to bed then jumped in the shower. My symptoms are a runny but blocked nose, tightness of the chest, coughing, sneezing and hot and cold sweats. I also just have a lack of appetite. I’ve been forcing myself to drink hyralyte and took my puffer. Now I’m half watching “Me Time” on Netflix. 

9/9/2022 2am
I could hear Justine coughing on the couch so i decided to get up and wake her up to give her medicine. 

9/9/2022 4am
I’m finally tired and ready to sleep. 

9/9/2022 11am
I woke up really struggling to breath. All the same symptoms as before but really out of breath. I checked in on the kids, they’re all good. I’m just resting. 

9/9/2022 2pm
I just took a shower and could not for the life of me breathe. I called my boss for advice and went to urgent care in Bacchus Marsh. My oxygen levels are okay, my temperature is low but I’m sweating like it’s 40 degrees outside. The doctor has prescribed me Paxlovid ($1,113 per box) and is allowing me go home. Thankful to have been in and out within an hour. 

9/9/2022 5pm 
I’ve taken the doctors orders and am resting now. I’ve had something to eat, my friend Lauren from Terry White Chemist in Maddingley (whom is a bloody legend) filled my prescription for me, added hydralyte and had it dropped at the door for me with a beautiful bunch of daffodils. I feel so taken care of. I have just given Nevaeh money for the kids to go out for dinner. I need sleep. 

9/9/2022 8pm
After taking the Paxlovid a few hours ago I woke up with a foul (metallic) taste in my mouth from them medication. On the plus side, I can breathe a little better but all my symptoms remain plus more. I am now experiencing leg/calf muscle aches. It’s pretty bad. I have to keep moving positions to stop them aching but nothings working. The sweats have seemed to stop for now too!

10/9/2022 12am
So I’ve eaten but the aches remain and foul taste in my mouth from the meds remain also. About an hour after eating I got diarrhoea which seems like another side effect from the medication. I’m thinking for over $1000 this medication should be working miracles. I mean I feel like I could sit on the toilet for days. Anyhoo.. David and I did start watching Animal Kingdom and suggested by a few friends but are now about to start a new Mario Party Game. I never win, but David enjoys it so I play for him. It’s his fave. 

10/9/2022 2.30am
So David again just beat me at Mario Party on the switch. My legs are still aching and I have been to the toilet another two times since my last log in. I am however sipping my hyrdalyte slowly and I feel like some of my symptoms are easing including my cough. My ribs are still very sore from coughing though. So thankful that although David is sick too he is here with me. He’s doing everything he can to keep me comfortable and trying to make me smile. I adore this man so much. 

11/09/2022 9am
Feeling very weak this morning. Coughing is worst in the mornings for some reason. I’m thinking that the night tablets of Maxlovid are stronger as I seem to wake up with a terrible wheeze which makes me cough up phlegm. The taste in my mouth is as aweful as ever and my nose is still blocked but runny. Apart from that, I’m doing okay.

11/09/2022 3.30pm
I’m really tired today but I’m forcing myself to stay awake. My legs are aching from the daytime tablets, I think the aches are worst during the day even though I’m trying to stand and walk the room as much as I can. I’m really missing the outside world, it’s raining out there today. It’s quite relaxing. I’m about to have a snug and little to the afternoon rain shower out our window. Jie was sweet today. He bought me in some chocolates he bought with his own money. Thankful for my boy. 

11/09/2022 10pm 
Needless to say, we fell asleep listening to the rain. Which probably isn’t a bad thing considering we’re both meant to be resting through this covid isolation period. I didn’t think I’d enjoy having David by my side through all of this as much as I do. It’s given us a chance to talk about so many topics and reflect on our time as a couple and family. There is strength in our relationship with going through these tough times together the way we have in the last 2 years. I feel safe knowing he’ll never leave me no matter how hard things get.

12/09/2022 12am
Just had a shower, feeling slightly better but still short of breath just walking from the shower to here. Aches are in full swing with me crying tonight from them. David rubbed my legs but it doesn’t help at all. I thought I’d distract myself and play Mario Party yet again. Nevaeh has made us potato gems and chicken strips in exchange for chocolate (which I can’t eat at the moment). Thankful for my girl. 

12/09/2022 5am
I haven’t slept a wink of sleep. My legs have had me up all night aching. David’s been asleep for a few hours now which I’m glad. He seems to be feeling heaps better than me at this point. I feel like I’m slightly going insane. Same four walls, no control of the house or anyone in it.. I need sleep. 

12/09/2022 11am 
Symptoms include foul taste in my mouth, tightness in my chest, coughing and blocked/runny nose. The aches have stopped but I’m about to take my morning tablets and I know my legs will start hurting again soon. 

12/09/2022 4pm
Finally got our food we delivered over an hour ago. This would have to be our 375th delivery in the time we’ve been locked in our room. We also bought another $80 worth of shopping including cereal, milk, juice, lunches, dinners and snacks for the kids. Easy stuff Jie and Nevaeh can make. Counting down the days to use my kitchen again.. I was craving a hot meal tonight.. rissoles or steak.. had to settle for take away. Starting season 2 of Animal Kingdom now. My food better be warm.. 

13/09/2022 2.30am
I have just had a shower after a coughing fit had me throwing up everything I ate today. I took the night tablets late and bang.. next thing I know I’m leaning over the toilet bowl barely able to breath between vomiting. I have a headache but I think it’s the light from my phone as I write this. I’m so tired. Not sure if the tablets had time to dissolve into my system before I threw up but the aches are not as bad tonight. I might actually get some sleep. 

13/09/2022 7am
I’m awake but not up, I wish this cough would cease. My body feels exhausted. 

13/09/2022 3pm
We ordered opporto for the first time and let me tell you, it won’t be the last time! It was so yum! We have two episodes of Animal Kingdom left of the second season as the clock winds down of us being locked in. 

14/09/2022 3am
Climbing into bed again as it just turns to 1 degrees outside. Thankful to David whom tucks me in my doona then shares his with me too! In just a few short hours we’re free! 

14/09/2022 2.30pm
I have the worst headache and still have a nasty ass cough/bark but have the all clear to go back to work tomorrow so that’s a plus!

14/09/2022 8pm
David has been amazing, taking me out of the house, down to the water this afternoon. I appreciate him so much. He is now cleaning the kitchen while I take some more nurofen for my throbbing head. Can’t wait to have a good night sleep tonight ready for work tomorrow! 

What was your covid experience like?

1 replied:

Marlene said...

So glad you're okay!!!

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Blogging from Bacchus Marsh, Australia