Thursday, 17 November 2016

Helping out at School

With Justine, my youngest niece starting preschool last week I have been helping the kids primary school. 

It has been such a positive week so far and I am excited to be helping in their classrooms for the rest of the year.

On Monday after dropping Justine at Kindergarten and settling her in I made my way to the school. I caught the end of assembly and afterwards made my way to my son Jie's grade 4 class.

 Jie has been asking endlessly for the past 3 years for me to come and help at the school but having Nevaeh and then Justine home with me each day I just couldn't meet his request. But that all changed this week. I'm helping out in his class every Monday morning and am taking small groups out of class to rehearse a play chosen by their teacher to perform in front of the class at the end of the lesson. 

After recess I helped in my nephews class. Hiram's teacher had me do spelling with the kids and over the two days I was there I did 3 hours of one-on-one spelling tests. I was quite impressed with the words that his peers in grade 3 were spelling and enjoyed just watching him work and enjoying school.

At lunch I spent some time with Jie, Nevaeh and got to know some of Janai's friends. On the Monday I bought us all KFC for lunch before heading into Kitchen Class with Janai's grade 5 lesson. 

In Kitchen 5 students were picked out to be in my group including Janai. Together we followed a recipe to make dairy free cupcakes to share with the rest of the class who made salads. I had to leave early to pick Justine up from preschool but promised to come back next week. 

Monday night I baby sat a beautiful boy for a friend who had a late game of basketball before spending majority of my day yesterday in Nevaeh's and Hiram's classes again.. 

So all the kids are finally getting some more of me. All except Jeanette who I will be taking out for lunch tomorrow.. But shhhh.. she doesn't know yet! 


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