Friday, 16 December 2016

A Christmas Experience

Teaching the kids about the birth of Jesus at Christmas every year is and I think always will be my favourite tradition.

Last night we watched The Christmas Experience together in the lounge room. 

While Hiram and Jie fell asleep us girls went on to watch the movie right through.

After the movie Janai said that she leaned two new things about Christs birth. One was how young Mary was and the other was that Joseph wasn't Jesus' father. That Mary was a virgin.

Jeanette also reflected on the importance of the star or angel on our Christmas Tree tops and said that she now iunderstands why they are used.

Nevaeh was worried about Mary not having doctors at the stable but understood that God was with her.

It was everything I wanted this night to be. Jesus is becoming so real to these guys. I just love it.. 



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