Thursday, 1 December 2016

Nativity & Christmas Tree Decoration Day!

Happy 1st of December dear followers, friends and family..

In Feb this year my beautiful nieces, Jeanette and Janai moved in with us. So because they havent before spent Christmas with us and are new to our Christmas traditions, I thought it would be fitting for them to put the star up top of the tree. I'm so glad I captured this beautiful moment.

My son, Jiedyn was asleep yesterday as we decorated our home. But we did leave him a few bells and balls to put on when he woke later last night.

Justine at one point while decorating the tree layed beneath it to make the balls dangle underneath the tree. Altius (our big cat) joined her for a bit which also would have been a beautiful moment to capture but I was just enjoying it without fussing over where my phone was.

After the kids were done they went outside to play kick ball under the sprinkler so I fixed the tree.

They all loved it and stood admiring it and the rest of our home when they returned.

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