Wednesday, 29 January 2020

18 things I love about you for your birthday!

1. The way your eyes light up when you master something new.
 2. The way you share “too much” and sometimes more than I want to know.
 3. Your music in the bathroom and your god awful singing in the shower.
 4. The way you make coffee.
 5. Your morning routine.
 6. The way you put others before yourself.
 7. Your Goodnight kisses
 8. When you miss me if you’re away from me for just one day.
 9. Our toilet selfies.
 10. The way you get scared at thriller movie sound effects.
 11. That you can convince me to go on a ride that could killed me.
 12. Your crazy playlist, I never know what to expect.
 13. Your great big heart.
 14. When you spend pocket money on thoughtful things for me instead of yourself.
 15. Your makeup skills.
 16. Your willingness to always try new things which makes my life so full of adventure.
 17. That you cheer me on when you know I’m not going to win in games.
 18. That squeeze you put into the last bit of your hugs and lastly and mostly.. Your appreciation for all that I have done for you and the kids! I couldn’t be more proud of you and feeling appreciated by you is what keeps me going on the hard days!

 You truly are an amazing and admirable young lady!
Happy 18th <3

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