Tuesday 25 June 2024

Soup Weather

 Wintery Warm Soup

From my last post you can see that the last thing I bought for myself was a Melbourne Storm Oodie.

Well another thing I have been buying these days has been soups.

My fridge and cupboards are stocked with them more than anything else.

From Pumpkin, to Lentil; Chicken & Veg to Thai Coconut Curry.

I am obsessed.

The hardest part is choosing which one to take to work each day.

So steamy and fresh with a side of toasted Turkish Bread.


2 replied:

Joanne said...

I love a good soup in the winter! Paired with a good bread it makes for such a filling and satisfying meal.

Kim Carberry said...

Ahh! We are onto salad weather and as little time cooking in the kitchen as possible as it's been so warm. I do love soups when it's cold out though, I think just boring tomato soup is my favourite. x

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