Thursday 12 September 2024

A day at Bostock Reservoir

Today, the Aboriginal Yarning Circle I host fortnightly met at Bostock Reservoir in Ballan for lunch and a scavenger hunt.. 

The day was so beautiful and peaceful and the weather stayed nice while we were there.

The group enjoyed the day taking home a bag full of goodies!

I love my job and being able to bless my community and enjoy seeing the joy on their faces.

Living with chronic health issues is hard enough so I enjoy being able to be there for and do things with my group and enjoy their life with them while they have it.

Thankful for it all.


2 replied:

Joanne said...

That sounds so fun and looks like a beautiful place to enjoy the outdoors too.

Kim Carberry said...

What a great day out. The scavenger hunt sounds like fun and look at those happy faces. x

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Blogging from Bacchus Marsh, Australia