Sunday, 9 February 2025

Burgers and Bingo!

Thursday night was so fun! 

$25 for a burger and small chips at Grill'd Woodgrove with a $10 donation to Hoppies Place Rescue Inc.

Hoppies place is a team that look after abandoned and/or unwanted cats and kittens.

They nurse sick cats and/or kittens back to full health and then rehome them using only donations.

I invited friends and community and pictured here is Rosemaree on the left, her sister Margaret in the front on the right and Sharon sitting beside Margie.

As the night went along there were many belly laughs, ohhhs and ahhhhs! 

Rosie Girl pictured below won the first game and went on to win another. 

My David won twice throughout the night also.

Highlights of the night were a few wolf whistles on the number 69 and Sharon putting lolly wrappers down the back of my dress. David beating me when I got down to one number. 

The burgers were also super yummy! I tried the Ba-Ba Burger for the first time while David build his own. Rosie ordered the Simon Says burger and Margie and Sharon has the Grill'd Simple Burger.

Grill'd often have different fundraising events on and we have been to a few now.

Really looking forward to the next one.

When was the last time you played Bingo?

1 replied:

Joanne said...

That sounds like a really fun night out. We played high stakes Bingo about a year and half ago at a local casino. My son's high school sold tickets as a fundraiser and a whole group of us went-- it was fun but very stressful as we had no idea what we were doing and some of these people take their bingo very, very seriously.

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