Tuesday, 11 February 2025

Deal or No Deal Night

 Last Saturday night we had some time to kill before our “horror” movie and so I decided to take my partner David and son Jiedyn to play Deal or No Deal at Explosions Bar and Bowling center in Melton. 

We played four games. In the first game, I won 87 tickets, Jie went on to win 200 tickets from his case number 3 and David won 7 tickets eliminating the big ticketed cases really early! 

For our last game, Jie had an idea to film the briefcases, and then to put them on slow motion to pick the case to win more tickets! Jie picked briefcase 10 this time and upon watching the briefcases in slow motion I confirmed to him that there was 200 tickets in his chosen case and sure enough, there was!

Jie then picked out one of his fave childhood lollies and spent the whole 594 tickets on 8 packets of Wizz Fizz!

While at the movies Jie opened and ate two of his Wizz Fizz. Then in the second photo he was like “Mum, Mum.. look”. And I was completely shocked because even at 19 years of age this has never been his humor but it was so funny especially coming from him.. 

Do your teens also think they’re funny like this or is it just a Jie thing? 

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