Today was Nevaehs last day of being a one year old. At 6.30am tomorrow morning this little blossem will be my two year old. Let me share with you a little about what makes this little tot -tot!
Nevaeh loves..
• puppy dogs tails
• bananas
• putting her shoes on
• copying her brother
• dancing (which is more skipping than grooving)
• cuddles
• playing in boxes and washing baskets
• brushing her teeth (or at least sucking off the toothpaste)
• ice cream
• staying up late
• weetbix & cornflakes (with a pinch of sugar)
• talking on the phone
• throwing rocks in puddles
• drawing (more so on herself than on paper)
• lip gloss
• the park (or anywhere she can run away from us)
I could go on all day but there the mains. Her latest love is of course Justin Bieber! I wish I could have got it on video but yesterday she started saying baby (bee-bee) after hearing his 'baby baby baby' song. She even tries to say Bieber which comes 'barbar'
Oh this last year has been amazing! Bring on another year (maybe just slower this time) full of giggles, chubby cheeks and little stumpy legs!!
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