Monday 15 December 2014

Nevaeh's Graduation!

It's on to school next year for my youngest child and she couldn't be more ready!

Nevaeh had a fantastic 2nd year of Kinder making a lot of friends while attending Young Street Preschool here in our home town.

Three days a week we would walk to and from Kinder and throughout the course of this year we have gotten to know a few of our local neighbors along the way.

Nevaeh is such a social butterfly and has such an outgoing personality. I know she's just thrive next year at School.

I'd just like to give my thanks and gratitude to her wonderful educators Jayne, Cherie, Sarah and Marie. You guys were the most talked about people in her life and she loved going to Kinder because she knew she'd be seeing you! Thanks for making her second year so joyful!

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