Celebrating Justine today was truly a treasure. It doesn't take much to make her smile as we have found that her love language is "new things" and of course, on our birthdays we get new things so she was the happiest girl in the world. For her birthday she received a toy box which was filled with toys for her birthday. Not just a few toys but a lot of neat new things to play with.
She spent the morning playing with the toys from her toy box with Nevaeh before Kindergarten. She asked for her peers and teachers not to sing happy birthday to her but to make the day even more special, it was also her teachers birthday too.
After Kindergarten and school we met up with a few family friends and one of Justines friends at McDonalds for a play. She got absolutely spoiled with shopkins and dolls and crafts and a pram and doll carrier from her friends. As we all sung happy birthday to her she sat behind her cake grinning ear to ear. I softly told her to blow out her candles after we stopped singing and she did so with ease. Such a special afternoon for our special little girl.
A few days after her birthday she received a 50 dollar gift card in the mail from her Poppy Sam to which she spent on more dolls and two little Hatchimal Eggs.
Before bed on the night of her birthday she come and gave me a kiss and hug just as she always does but this time it was followed with "This was my best birthday ever!" as she skipped off to bed. When I checked on her later she was cuddling her toy with her new purse beside her pillow.
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