Monday, 27 November 2017

Nevaehs First Camp

So you may have seen me post this photo on my social media pages today asking who in our family went on camp this morning. The answer was Nevaeh! 

This is Nevaehs very first camp and first night away from both Mum and/or Dad. 

Packing her bag last night with her she double checked to make sure she had everything off her list and gave two ticks to each item! She was so excited but this morning she was full of nerves. "Mum, I have butterflies" she said to me as we waited for the buses to arrive. "You'll be fine, just think of it as an excursion, and because you're having so much fun you get to stay the night!" She repeated that to a friend who was feeling sad too and together they boarded the bus.  

Her brother stayed with her the whole time. Putting his arm around her a few times when he sensed that she was getting nervous. When it was time to say goodbye, she said goodbye to Jie, and he replied "It's not goodbye Nevaeh, its see ya tomorrow" and he waved as he jogged to assembly. (I couldn't ask for a more loving brother than that for her).

So off she went, on her own little adventure. She comes home tomorrow and I can't wait for her to fill the house again. It's been so quiet and boring without her here. 

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