Thursday 26 July 2012

Freakin' Out!

Something I don't do often is freak out. I always seem to be the one who has it all figured out and can pretty much handle anything head on.. With a past like mine I kind of learnt how to make the most of what I had and savour the good memories in quite possibly the worst situations.

With all that said, it's something I have taken into adulthood and may be partly the reason why I blog. I see myself as a positive person and like to attract positive people into my life and into the lives of those around me.

So the reason why I'm freaking out is because yesterday, last night and this morning I was left to run things at home since being married. Up until now everything at home is run like clock work and everyone has a part to play. I never thought for a second that with Matt away just for the night how completely chaotic things become.

Our normal after school routine consists of word lists and readers, cooking dinner, sitting at the table together, prayer, eating, bathing Nevaeh, Showering Jiedyn, bedtime stories and lights out by 7pm. 

Our normal morning routine is Daddy waking Jie up, putting on Toasted TV, crankin' the heater, getting clothes out, making breakfast, making sure Jie looks neat, his lunch box and drink bottle are in his bag, that he has his puffer, reader bag, wallet and bus money. Putting Nevaeh in my bed if she has woken up while he walks Jie to the bus stop. This is done the same way everyday.. and all while I am in bed.

So just to make sure we're on the same page, Matt is the hero of our family.. 

Now onto Without Matt for one night.......

Yesterday's After school routine went something like this. (Don't laugh!) Nevaeh and I picking Jiedyn up from the bus stop with Jie running off the bus and Nevaeh running to get on. An uncontrolled (but safe) walk home. Kids fighting over who wants to watch what on video. Kids begging for Pizza for tea. About a million "Where's Dad?" questions. Nevaeh running around in her knickers proud as punch that she used the toilet while I'm trying to have Jie read to me. Bath together, Pizza ordered, water and powder everywhere, Lady demanding money for the pizza, me trying to find my purse, Nevaeh and Jie fighting over a chair, No prayer, Kids fighting over food while demanding drinks.. One book for both kids and both asleep by 7pm.

3am, Nevaeh up, Cat's wake Jie up, Me trying to chase the cats down the other end like a loony, Nevaeh wanting to brush her teeth, comb her hair, read a book, put a CD on and sleep in Jie's bed. Jie wanting a drink, another drink, to sleep in my bed and have the cats back. Jie and Nevaeh singing twinkle-twinkle from each of they're rooms, then fighting over who's footy team is better before arguing with each other to Be Quiet... Jie fell back to sleep around 4, Nevaeh kept getting out of bed, having tea parties, sneaking her light on, reading maisy regardless of the smacks, yelling and counting I was doing to make her get back into bed. She was sure putting up a fight saying "Daddy do it" and "I not like you, me like Daddy" and was still awake at 6am, I gave up, had enough and fell asleep, woke up at 6.30 to the alarm and she had the toilet full with all the toilet paper we had left. One final smack and she was asleep..

7am, Jie got up, had breaky, got dressed, read his reader, watched cartoons, brushed his hair, packed his bag and was soon asking where Dad was too. I knew I couldn't wake Nevaeh up, and I couldn't get hold of Matt who said he'd be home to walk Jie to the bus stop. I had no other choice but to meet both of my kids half way. I stood on the corner and could see my front door as well as a full view of the street Jie was now walking down toward the bus stop. Once there, he ran all the way back. "I'm scared Mum, I need you.." We prayed and just as we'd finished a girl who catches his bus also walked with him, talked with him and he was soon pausing to wave to me. There he was.. Growing up! Although it's not something he'll be doing a lot of in the future, I'm glad he did it and took that one step towards independence. 

Nevaeh woke up as soon as I got through the door.. I've had an hours sleep and am now waiting for Matt to come home. If I learnt anything from this it's that I not only love my husband, but things are better with him around. I tend to forget that most days..

3 replied:

More Than Words said...

LOL..oh I hear ya!! For some reason, daddy's have such a strong presence at home that we can take for granted. Us moms are usually the pushovers, and kids know But, I'm sure it made you appreciate your husband that much more!!

Anonymous said...

AWW! It's true, Dad's possess a silent authority figure type attitude, in a good way and when that presence is gone all hell can break loose!! LOL Hope your friday is better ;)

Julie Baswell said...

Oh, the little things in life make it so much more interesting...and appreciating! New follower from BSN blog hop. You can find me at

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