Wednesday 15 April 2015

Our little back to school story..

Sunday night before the kids were due back at school Monday I put them both to bed bang on 7.30pm. Partly because it was a school night but mostly because I was totally exhausted after a jam packed weekend. More on this later..

So after reading to the kids (we're currently re-reading Andy Griffiths tree-house series again) and tucking them in we all went to sleep.

At around 11pm I woke up and saw that the hallway door was shut and I could hear that the heater and TV was on. I jumped out of bed and upon opening the hallway door I see my two kids fully dressed in their uniforms with their shoes on watching Pokemon and eating breakfast. 

I couldn't help but laugh..

I told them that it was still night time but they insisted that it was nearly morning..

11pm and ready for school..

How eager to get back to school?

I love that they love school. This term Nevaeh has started catching the bus too and from school with Jie and is loving the independence. I hope they always enjoy school and stay eager to learn..

So proud of the little people they are becoming..

1 replied:

Iulia Gulia @ Best of Baby said...

I actually remember doing this as a kid! Several times in the winter (when it got dark early), I'd come home from school exhausted and take a nap. Then I'd wake up at 7:30 or so and FREAK OUT thinking it was 7:30 am and I was late for school.

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