Sunday 5 February 2023

Four Somethings - January

 Today I am linking up for  "Four Somethings" hosted by Jennifer Goodwin here..

The link up encourages bloggers to share four themed somethings of your month.

I'm joining a little late as I just saw this link-up on a few blogs I hopped onto yesterday.

So here goes..


Something I loved in January was the opportunity to book a few trips for 2023. Taking my own advice of "To have plans, you must make plans" I booked four trips using wotif for our family to enjoy as the year continues. Look out for our trips to Shepparton and Lakes Entrance in April, our trip to Inverloch in September and my trip back up to Cairns in June! 


I don't read a lot of books to be honest, I prefer true crime, Judge Judy and trashy reality TV shows in my spare time but something I do read each and every day are my Emails. Work emails when I'm at work and my personal emails keep me connected to the lastest deals from my favorite brands, news from my preferred news sources as I do not rely on the TV or Radio media for my news and staying up to date with my upcoming bills and finance goals. Last month I received an email from one of old neighbors now in her 70's which I loved and now look forward to her musings shared every now and again. I'd love to pen-pal more people through email, see my previous post here to learn more.


Something I learned last month was that we all live our lives in alignment with our triggers and traumas. Our triggers and experienced traumas shape who we are, who we become, how we raise our children and unknowlingly how we navigate life. 

I wont go too deep with this but I'll use Prince Harry as an example in his latest Netflix show titled "Harry & Megan". His upbringing and experience with the paparazzi has a massive effect on him and his life today - the trauma of a young boy losing his mother at the hands of people whom wanted exclusive photos of her is now his worst fear when it comes to himself, his wife Megan and their children. I really feel for this boy, never getting the help he needed to overcome this fear in which now has become a trigger from trauma in his life controlling everything he does. He probably, like a lot of us, doesn't even realize how much this effects him as he lives in survival mode for his family.

Another example is learning my own triggers and traumas. As a child raised around drinking, drugs and violence being neglected from my parents - I have put myself in positions to advocate for children living with the same disadvantages wanting so much better for their lives. As a child of the foster system spending time in over 25 foster homes over three states separated from my siblings it triggers me to know that there are kids still going through this today and because of my trauma, when I was caring for my sisters kids I  just wanted to help create happy times and a safe space for the four siblings I had in my care to grow up together away from drug and alcohol users. The trauma we experience create triggers in which we do things we think are right as a way of survival. Being a drug addict myself at a young age and being around drug addict family members as a child and adult it too has become a trauma for me - to the point that now when people I know and love have recently become drug users I have been triggered and have had to take a step back from their lives to protect myself and my kids. 

Recognizing my trauma and triggers has allowed me to start to really understand myself and why I do what I do. I have learned so much in the last month about my mental health and am learning new things everyday. 


And I'm guessing this to be something I ate that I probably never eaten before? David and I tried for the first time Parmesan Roast Potatoes last month. You can find the recipe here..

AND! I also finally got around to sending my friend the pear salad recipe I make! Here is a photo of it here with my sons Chicken Parma which was also on the blog not long ago! 


1 replied:

Hena Tayeb said...

It's a very brave thing to be able to asses and acknowledge our traumas. It's wonderful that you have been able to channel yours into something so positive.

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Blogging from Bacchus Marsh, Australia