Friday, 30 August 2024

Four Somethings August

 As August comes to an end, I’m linking up again for..

Click the above image to see what others have shared and maybe even join in with your own reflections of the month that was!

As for something different, I’m not going to share photos with this post. All my sharing today will be text only. 

Let’s start with the things I have loved this month..

I have loved watching my daughter enjoy school and make new friendships!

I have loved being back in contact with my eldest niece and am looking forward to finally meeting my Great Niece Vienna Fay!

I have loved my son taking the reins on a full clean up and clean out of our home!

I have loved putting together our new program for the Aboriginal Yarning Circle I facilitate for work which will include taking elders to the Melbourne Aquarium for the first time and also to our Local Strawberry Farm. Be sure to keep an eye out for those trips and more here on my blog!

I have loved celebrating my birthday with friends and reconnecting and hanging out with them in my free time. 

I have loved listening to what the kids are learning with Nevaeh having a life coach now, she has a new perspective on life and Jie has always been a deep thinker often challenging me on my beliefs and opinion. I am enjoying these conversations as they are getting older. And that sometimes we agree to disagree.

I loved our few “out for dinner” nights this month but also being able to have dinner around the table together which we haven’t done since Christmas. 

I have loved long phone calls with my friends in Brisbane, catching them up on everything happening and hearing of their trials and triumphs! We may not see each other regularly but I feel like our friendship hasn’t altered in any way due to distance.

I love where I am at in my job and in my community. I have become such a well loved and valued member of Kirrip since the last “CEO” and his board stepped down. (Save that shit for another post). I have been using my new found love and respect by community for community. Bringing our people together to recognise their strengths and highlight their love and passion for people and place has been my one and only mission each and everytime I’m there. People don’t know what they don’t know and we need truth to be told, apologies to be made and healing to take place before we can again stand united. I hope with all my heart that Kirrip will again be a place people come to connect and feel welcome. 

I have also just loved giving back to the people in my circle whom just need a little TLC. An appreciation post, words of encouragement, some good old fashioned L O V E is all we need sometimes. And in doing so I have felt love reciprocated. 

And last but not least, I have loved cooking this month! Experimenting with flavours and creating new dishes has been a part of my self-love journey. With the kitchen being the cleanest it’s ever been, I’m now in there every chance I get!

And so now let’s go onto a few things I have noticed this month..

I have noticed just how much David actually does love me. I mean we all think we know that our partners love us and after four years it should be solidified. But even people whom have been together many years, raise families together etc. sometimes get to a point where they call it quits. Well this is my worst fear so upon the surface, I like to think he loves and won’t leave me but deep deep down I feel he one day will. But this month, after an argument and me leaving to cool off. I came back to find him crying.. yes crying.. fearful that we were over. In many of my relationships this has been me.. but to see him so adamant to “fix things” and “do better” it really shocked me to realise that I have nothing to fear. 

Another thing I have noticed and come to realise is that I will never ever buy 4ply toilet paper again. It seems that my kids, whom have only ever grown up on 2ply toilet paper have a habit of using way too much at toilet time and so when the 4ply was on special this month and I replaced the 2ply.. our toilet got clogged! Never did I think I’d be calling a family meeting about the lengths of toilet paper used in our house. Haha..

And the last things I have noticed is just how blessed I am with God giving me my little family. I always thought I wanted a big family.. 6-8 kids.. and while that was my life for a few years I have to say, I am now noticing my love for the three people I share my life with. We are all different in many many ways but we can be our true selves without judgement and have each other to rely on in life. I’m so grateful and happy. 

Things we have improved upon this month have been.. 

Jie taking charge of a full house clean and clear out. I have been doing the dishes every night before bed so the kitchen is clean ready for people to use in the morning. 

David has been cleaning and vacuuming our cars out every weekend and checking water, oil, tyre pressure etc as well as taking them through the car wash. This has taken so much pressure off me as I used to forget. My man doing manly things.. I love that!

And we have also improved on our shopping budget this month. We saved nearly $170 compared to last month and with my brand new air fryer and slow cooker, I’m hoping to bring that number down even more!!

And the things disliked this month go like this..

Cold windy rainy weather

No coffee in the house 

Putting on weight (a whole dress size)

Not getting a receipt costing me $250 out of pocket

Long postage periods

Period pain

Really coming to terms that my Dad is gone

Cereal left in bowls

Radio station cutting in and out 

The cat getting into the bin 

A dripping tap 

And missed calls with no voicemails/texts.

So there we have it! A lot in one post, but it’s been a massive month.. looking forward to getting away over the next few days just David and I for some much needed RnR! 

1 replied:

Joanne said...

Look at that wonderfully long list of things to love this month! That is fantastic!!

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