Sunday 11 January 2015

A Dedication

I'm dedicating this brand new year to my Nana Jeanette Standing (Hester) and I am not taking it lightly. She would have wanted to see us live well, achieve well and to be happy and healthy. Our Nana-Nette would want us to raise our children (her great grandchildren) with love and selflessness and to love each other immensely. This year I feel sorry for my sister and brother. Because as much as they would love to have me take a back seat in their lives I'm going to be involved like a full force gail. Each of them have never had the luxury of parents to keep them accountable, praise them when they're doing well or to help them when we're mucking up or going off the rails. But that changes now!! That may have been the way of life for the past 10 plus years but not this year! I'm not only making this year about me and my goals.. I'm going to do my complete and utter best to ensure that when 2016 hits us, we're all thriving towards being better individuals and encouraging one another to succeed! This is what Nana would have wanted!

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