Saturday 31 December 2022

7 Little Letters

As we enter the last hours of 2022, it's Just Nevaeh and I at home. Of all the things we could be doing tonight we decided that we would have dinner and blog together. As I cooked Nevaeh wrote out 7 little letters using Madeline's journal prompts on Pinterest. Here is what she wrote..

To the person who hurt me, thank you for hurting me, I'm happy I had you in my life for that short period of time. You hurting me helped me grow and become stronger. You were special to me and still are, but you're gone now.

To the person who left me, it was out of the blue, you just disappeared. No goodbye, no reason, you left me wondering. What did I do wrong? and why did you do it? I still question that to this day.

To the person I miss, I've been thinking about you a lot recently. I want to reach out to you but I'm anxious you'll find it weird. You were my best friend until you turned your life into having to be the "popular girl"; drugs, sex, getting a criminal record. I miss the old you and our old friendship.

To the person I love more than anything, Mum, I'm so happy and grateful to have you in my life, you're literally my go-to. You've been through so much with me, my whole life actually. I care about you so much. I know we fight and argue but you'll always be my favourite.

To the person who raised me, thank you for trying so hard for being there for me through so much. You have raised me so well and I'm extremely grateful for everything you do for me. I love you.

To the person who forgave me, I'm sorry I treated you that way. I really don't deserve you. You're such a sweet soul and the nicest person. I wont ever forgive myself for what I did. I am thankful for you.

To the person who broke me, I don't know how to feel the happy me after what you did. I'm lost. You make me scared to trust. Love. I've been overthinking a lot recently. You made me hate myself. I hate you and I wont ever be the same again. 

Each written with so much rawness, strength and resilience. My 13yo daughter has had to overcome some pretty tough stuff this year with friendships and relationships. We talk regularly now, share a beautiful bond and when everything gets too much for her you'll find her with Karen and her rescue horses. Life's not easy and even "kids" can feel the heaviness caused by others around them but whats important is giving them the time and space they need to grow, to navigate the tough relationships in their lives and to be someone they trust to ask for help when they need it. This year my daughter's got quite good at asking for help when things get heavy and I'm getting better at giving her my undivided love, attention and careful opinions. Mothering her has been a massive calling, seeing her write these little letters shows me just how extraordinary Nevaeh truly is. So wise beyond her years, just like her mama.

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