Saturday, 9 June 2012

Is Asthma Genetic?

I don't know, some say yes while majority of the articles I read online tonight say no. Regardless, the last two nights Jie has been having coughing fits so severe that it's brought me to tears. His stomach muscles are so weak and the doctors seem to be saying the same thing. Because he doesn't have a wheeze, they just tell me to give him two puffs of his puffer every four hours. They don't seem to listen when I say it's not helping!! I'm so frustrated today that Matt and I cleaned the house thoroughly and have set in place strict areas where our kittens can and can't wonder. I'm also thinking of getting an air purifier as well as making my own sensitive laundry liquid. I'll do anything possible to have my happy little boy back.

We'd sure appreciate your prayers..

2 replied:

Christina Morley said...

I'm definitely praying. We sat down for dinner (I'm in a different time zone) and before we gave thanks, I asked that your son and you guys be included in the prayer.

Tina at Happy Moms, Happy Homes and my parenting blog at Amanda's Books and More

Esmeralda said...

Hi, I think your plan of action is definitely well thought and hopefully by putting all of this into place, your son will feel better. If it doesn't help, I suggest getting a 2nd opinion from another doctor as to the number of puffs to give him!
Big kisses to him and Courage to you
Esmeralda @ (new follower)

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